Many people believe it is easier to buy a secondhand car themselves. This is understandable, after all, it’s your car, and by all means you know exactly what you want. However, if you are inexperienced in buying secondhand, you could be susceptible to the tricks of more, should we say, “experienced sellers”.
When we use that term, we mean to say that many car sellers out there, both private and dealers, will try anything they can to rip you off on the price. They have the skills and know-how to say all kinds of things to make you believe you should pay more for what may be a lower class vehicle.
The Car Consultants brokerage experts, conversely, have years of experience in negotiating on behalf of our valued clients, and do everything in our skills and experience to get a great deal on a great car for you.
Here is why it is a great idea to go with Car Consultants – we’ve got you covered.
We know how to deal with dodgy dealers
Dodgy sellers and dealerships will say anything to make you pay for more for your pick: added appendages, fudged figures – you name it, they will do it. This problematic for two reasons:
- They might be simply trying to pass off an average car to who they think is an experienced buyer. These cars are often rife with problems and end up being nothing more than a lemon.
- You may end up paying thousands more for a subpar vehicle. If you’re a person who needs a car but doesn’t necessarily see them as your passion you may not be able to pick out particular faults. This, unfortunately, will have you paying much more for a below average vehicle.
The Car Consultants experts, conversely, know how to pick out faults in cars, walk away from the deal or negotiate a much lower price, creating a much better, happier outcome for our clients. We know when a car is lacking where it should be winning, and we will happily walk away from a dealer we know is trying to be sneaky. The truth of the matter is that we can save you thousands on unnecessary fees and save you from buying a poor quality car – it’s our job, our passion, and we happily do it on behalf of our valued clients.
Contact us today to get started on getting the best price for your vehicle.